Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Together

Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle Together

We all want to feel our best and look good, doing so is beneficial for our physical health and to maintain a healthy relationship.

Here are some ideas to help with your physical and in turn your relationship health:

  1. You are what you eat: Eat the types of food which nourish you, give you energy, and feel good, but limit the amount of unhealthy foods. We love cake, but not everyday. Couples can discuss what foods work for both of you and find recipes which fit your lifestyle and goals.

  2. Quality food is important. Seeking fresh organic food is a bonus. You can share a shopping list and shop together (another date idea), have fun picking out healthy foods together.

  3. Exercise every day! How long and what intensity will vary person to person, but moving your body daily will improve your overall health. The type of exercise you personally do will be specific to your likes, goals, lifestyle and more. Exercising together is fun, sexy, and helps to motivate you to stick to it.

  4. Walk, and walk some more…. Get some fresh air, improve your cardio endurance, sight see, listen to a podcast, talk on the phone, whatever it is, walking is exercise. Walking together is a great date idea.

  5. S-T-R-E-T-C-H…. Stretch everyday….. Do you (can you) touch your toes? Know some yoga poses? Reach for the stars! Try to stretch your body and maintain or grow your flexibility. Have fun stretching each other, which is also sexy.

  6. Play a sport! Imitate your favorite team or player and throw a ball around, run, bike, ice skate, skateboard, grab a racket, kick a ball, throw a ball at a wall….. Whatever the sport, its a fun way to stay active and a great way to play together and some fun couples competition.

  7. Dance, Dance, Dance…. Dance together, dance for each other, battle each other…. Just dance!

  8. Technology is your friend….. Apple Watches, FitBit’s, fitness apps, an old school dry erase board…. Use technology in any form to help keep you accountable and to track your goals and progress. You can share with each other your stats and achievements. Some apps allow you to compete against each other.

  9. Get a massage. Regularly… it’s a great way to care for your body. Couples massages are the best.

  10. Drink lots of Water. Refillable water bottles help when you’re out and about. Pick a favorite large glass to refill often at home. Add a lemon/lime if you want to add dome essence. Sparkling (unsweetened) water is a nice change to add a different flavor or texture. Make a sparkling water mocktail to add to dinner.

  11. SLEEP - Are you getting enough sleep? Most people don’t, try to create a healthy sleeping routine. Plan to go to bed at a certain hour and stick to it. Try to not use your electronics as it gets close to your bedtime. Dimming the lights and reducing the light stimulation at night is a good way to set the mood. Cuddle together……….. The Best…….

Date Ideas During Quarantine

Date Ideas During Quarantine